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Town Hall


To Departments Nationwide - We stand with YOU. We Support YOU. We are YOUR Voice.

Code 9 T.U.F. Town Halls - Bridge the gap between Departments and Communities
Our Role - Educate, Mediate, Facilitate

MEDIATE : We serve as the bridge between community and departments to restore community.

EDUCATE: We raise awareness and open the community’s eyes to the challenges AND burdens you face serving your cities. This understanding is necessary for repair and rebuilding

FACILITATE: We field the heat and remove the charge. We provide viable structure and support for opposing groups to be heard and for perspectives to be shared using constructive dialogue.

What Code 9 as the Bridge does NOT do:
Impose, demand or push ANY agendas

What Code 9 as the Bridge CAN do:
Educate the public and enhance perspectives
Provide space, support and objective facilitation for constructive dialogue
Promote solution-oriented perspectives and dialogue
Honor the divide and pave the way for healing, repair and restoration of community

We Stand with YOU. We support YOU. We are YOUR voice. You are NOT Alone.

To host a Town Hall in your area, contact us.